Tamil Nadu Engineering Colleges Rank List, Counselling Guru's Priority List, Latest Trends, Engineering College Details


CounsellingGuru is a comprehensive guide for all the Engineering aspirants of Tamilnadu. This book is aimed at providing complete information about engineering studies and statistical analysis on Tamilnadu Engineering Admissions [TNEA] counselling. It gives an insight to the reader about various branches of study in engineering and helps in selecting suitable branch of study based on one's personal preference and performance in final school year.

*** ORDER A FREE COPY OF COUNSELLING GURU *** : One copy per Government/Govt. aided school. Please send the copy of your hall ticket or a letter from Head Master as EMail to : help@tnea.info. Alternatively, send the contact details of your school, the book can be sent to school directly.

About CounsellingGuru

In the recent years, the interest towards engineering has increased among student community in Tamilnadu. Also in the last 10 years, the number of engineering colleges has increased approximately from 200 to 450. In this scenario finding information about all the colleges and selecting the right branch in right college has become a tough task for any engineering aspirant. It is not easy, to come up with a right decision for one's career, based on the vast amount of information available in the internet and through other sources.

One of the strongest motivations for writing this book is to provide complete information about different engineering branches, colleges, and the counselling process followed in Tamilnadu Engineering Admissions.

Analyzing the information about previous year counsellings, helps a student to take an informed decision about the suitable branch and college for his/her rank. Based on the counselling trend from the year 2007 to till date, this book is aimed at addressing the basic questions like

1. For one's TNEA rank, which is the best college and course?
2. What are the top colleges for a particular branch?
3. What does one learn in a particular Engineering branch?
4. Which branch & college was selected by a candidate with the same TNEA rank during the last few years?

Counselling Guru will definitely help every engineering aspirant to take right decision for their career.

This book has collective information about Engineering Branches, Engineering colleges in Tamilnadu, TNEA counselling, trend in TNEA & statistical analysis based on the seat selection, to give an in-depth insight for the readers to make their choices.

Chapter-1 gives a general overview on Engineering & about the various disciplines of Engineering. This chapter is very useful in identifying your inclination towards different disciplines of engineering.

Chapter-2 has all the information about registered engineering colleges under Anna University.

Chapter-3 gives important instructions for the student and parents before attending Counselling in Anna University.

Chapter-4 gives information about possible branches and colleges that one can opt based on one's current overall TNEA rank.

Finally Chapter-5 gives all the guidelines about availing educational loan and the scholarships for engineering study. It also gives the information about Engineering academic options available in other states as well as deemed universities in Tamilnadu Counselling

At the end of this book, in the appendix session different tables have been compiled. All these tables are based on the data gathered from previous years TNEA. These tables will help in the decision making process in engineering admissions for anyone.

The data provided in this book are based on the various information available on the public domains, official booklets and web pages for TNEA, and web pages of engineering colleges in Tamilnadu. We don't authenticate any data collected from other web pages.

The guidelines given in this book are developed by authors based on their rich experience in academics and engineering industry.  

This book is written by the team of experts formed by Guru Vinayana Academy. This team consists of engineering and management graduates from reputed colleges in India & abroad who are working in various fields of engineering. The committee also had reviewers from academic and knowledge about TNEA. All the members are committed towards helping student community of Tamilnadu to make informed decision about their Engineering Admissions.
(This book is a product of various talents and industry experts in Engineering/Technology/Management/Academia)

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